Crew Soccer Representative Position on Maple Grove Civic Association (Oerter Park) Board

3 Apr by Nathan Trexler

Dear Crew Soccer community,

Our club has been utilizing the fields at Oerter Park in Columbia for several years now. It has recently come to our attention that several vacant positions on the Maple Grove Civic Association (MGCA) board exist. The MGCA plays a crucial role in overseeing the operations and maintenance of Oerter Park. As primary users of Oerter Park, Crew Soccer has an opportunity to fill these positions with individuals who can represent our interests effectively. By doing so, Crew Soccer would have a greater influence on future plans and improvements to the facility that we rely on heavily for training.

If you’re interested in serving on the MGCA board on behalf of Crew Soccer, please fill out the attached Google form. Thank you in advance for your support of both the MGCA and Crew Soccer!


Nathan Trexler

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